As we approach February 14, our surroundings are becoming increasingly infiltrated with the color pink. Many of us who are single may be quick to skip over all things in this color palette, but I've found two things that will have you thinking pink without getting into Cupid's territory:
The first item is this month's issue of Bon Appétit. Bon App can always be counted on for one thing: eye candy. This month's issue is no exception. When it arrived in the mail, I pulled the issue from the pile and went through my magazine ritual: remove plastic, hold by the by the binding and shake, shake, shake so the paper inserts fall out, flip through as if a picture book, and, finally, go back through and read. For me, this issue is the most relatable issue to date - the theme is "healthy-ish," a term that Bon App claims to have coined. Whether or not this is an alternative fact, the concept is definitely one that I subscribe to. Here is how they explain it on their website:
"At some point a while back, we at Bon Appétit came up with a word that sums up the way so many of us eat now: healthyish. As in, we like knowing where our food comes from, what’s in it, and who made it. We care about how food makes us feel. But, also, we're not losing sleep over it. We’re not nutritionists. We don't count calories or fret about our cholesterol levels (the good or bad kind)."
Along with this issue, Bon Appétit has launched both an Instagram account and a page on their website focused on Healthyish. I have to say, I'm pretty pumped to see what they have in store! In the meantime, this issue has some recipes that I'm dying to tackle. Maybe I'll make my first attempt at homemade poke on Valentine's Day...since I'll have the time.
Poke Poke Poke!
Next up: Eat Pretty, Live Well. When this guide/ journal was first given to me I thought it was lame city. Food journaling? No thanks. But once I started to flip through, I realized that this is a really cool tool to get to know your body and yourself better. As someone with Celiac Disease, I know how important it is to pay attention to the connection between what you eat and how you feel. This journal is an easy-to-use path to becoming more mindful. Into itttttttt.
There's also a super duper interesting section (at least I think it's interesting) called "Beauty Foods From A to Z" that lists over 150 different foods that make you more pretty. Can food make you more pretty? I don't know, but I'll give it a shot if there's a chance. And maybe if we eat foods that make us more pretty we won't be single next Valentine's Day. I'm kidding! It's what's on the inside that counts. Right???
Beauty Foods From A to Z
For me, 2017 is going to be a year of mindfully eating healthyish food. What's your 2017 food vibe?